Routine Aquarium Maintenance Checks To Keep Your Fish Healthy

Routine Aquarium Maintenance Checks To Keep Your Fish Healthy

According to science, keeping an aquarium in your home and surroundings has numerous benefits. Most people install wall-mounted aquariums in their offices and workplaces. Not only do aquariums improve mood, but they can also calm high-stress levels and significantly reduce blood pressure, inducing a calm state of mind.

That is why it’s one of the most therapeutic components to have in your environment. According to Fun Fish Tank, Moving over to the components of an aquarium, you can add any type of fish to your fish tank according to its capacity. They review some of the finest fish and analyze their conditioning better.

In addition, many people face problems with regulating their aquariums and fish tanks. Here’s how you can improve the stipulation of your aquarium by following some accessible maintenance checks.

1. Slanted Change In Water

Your aquarium requires a slanted or partial water change to keep the

Routine Aquarium Maintenance Checks To Keep Your Fish Healthy Read More
A affordable option to incorporate Fear Free into your pet’s routine also keeps vets happy

A affordable option to incorporate Fear Free into your pet’s routine also keeps vets happy

Here’s a follow up to an idea that I posted to Facebook in March. 

We all know how vital the notion of having the most helpful and awesome tools are to interacting effectively, efficiently and safely with the pets in our life. The same is true for thinking about the economy of it all. Stuff is expensive. 

Jack Russell terrier, looking hopeful

I frequently keep commercially available baby food pouches on hand and use (upon family’s consent) as a tool with pets to provide a distraction from unpleasant things during vet visits. They’re also useful when traditional treats (reinforcers) aren’t enough I need to employ a high value reinforcer to get the behaviors I want and need from a dog or a cat, and my hands need to stay clean. 

Reusable baby food pouches are a great option that is consistent with a set of strategies that encompass the Fear Free philosophy, and they

A affordable option to incorporate Fear Free into your pet’s routine also keeps vets happy Read More

ZZ Plant Care 101: This Houseplant Care Routine is Just Shy of Too Easy

ZZ Plant Care


Zamioculcas zamiifolia, better known as the ZZ or zeezee plant, is a universally popular houseplant due to its foolproof maintenance requirements. ZZ plant care instructions are about as easy as they come, and these houseplants are a perfect choice for those who might occasionally forget to water their plants for weeks at a time. Read on for everything you need to know about caring for a ZZ houseplant, including their soil, light, water, and temperature needs.

ZZ Plant Care At a Glance

Common Name: ZZ Plant
Scientific Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Soil: well-draining, pH 6 to 7
Light: indirect sunlight
Water: every 2 to 3 weeks
Food: 20-20-20 houseplant fertilizer
Temperature and Humidity: not sensitive to high or low humidity
Propagation: division of rhizomes, stem and leaf cuttings in soil or water
Safety: keep away from children and pets

ZZ Characteristics

ZZ Plant Care


Zamioculcas zamiifolia plants are

ZZ Plant Care 101: This Houseplant Care Routine is Just Shy of Too Easy Read More