Fera Pet's Plant Based Omega 3's Oil (Algae oil for dogs) An Honest Review

Fera Pet’s Plant Based Omega 3’s Oil (Algae oil for dogs) An Honest Review

Omega 3 provided by algae oil is a new thing in the dog supplement world. It’s a vegetarian alternative to fish oil, but is it any good?


I’ve been trying out Fera Pet’s Plant Based Omega 3’s in order to give you an insight into this, what it is, how it works and how effective it is, so that the research is done for you, and you don’t need to (you’re welcome!).

So let’s start with a few basic things.

This is a sponsored post gained via pupfluence, however, it does not change my opinion on this product

What Is Algae Oil For Dogs?

Algae oil is a fantastic source of Omega 3. It comes from algae, a small, usually green, aquatic plant that is rich in nutrients, and is usually eaten by fish like Salmon. If you have ever had a fish tank? It’s why you buy

Fera Pet’s Plant Based Omega 3’s Oil (Algae oil for dogs) An Honest Review Read More

ZZ Plant Care 101: This Houseplant Care Routine is Just Shy of Too Easy

ZZ Plant Care

Photo: istockphoto.com

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, better known as the ZZ or zeezee plant, is a universally popular houseplant due to its foolproof maintenance requirements. ZZ plant care instructions are about as easy as they come, and these houseplants are a perfect choice for those who might occasionally forget to water their plants for weeks at a time. Read on for everything you need to know about caring for a ZZ houseplant, including their soil, light, water, and temperature needs.

ZZ Plant Care At a Glance

Common Name: ZZ Plant
Scientific Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Soil: well-draining, pH 6 to 7
Light: indirect sunlight
Water: every 2 to 3 weeks
Food: 20-20-20 houseplant fertilizer
Temperature and Humidity: not sensitive to high or low humidity
Propagation: division of rhizomes, stem and leaf cuttings in soil or water
Safety: keep away from children and pets

ZZ Characteristics

ZZ Plant Care

Photo: istockphoto.com

Zamioculcas zamiifolia plants are

ZZ Plant Care 101: This Houseplant Care Routine is Just Shy of Too Easy Read More