The Bully of the Bird Feeders or When Mockingbirds Ruin Your Bird Feeder Plans

The Bully of the Bird Feeders or When Mockingbirds Ruin Your Bird Feeder Plans

Mockingbirds are notoriously territorial, and they will take over bird feeders and drive timid birds away. When other territorial birds, or bullies, take over a feeder, you can usually discourage them by changing your feed. Mockingbirds, you will read, prefer foods like worms, suet, berries, and insects. But if you’re handing out free seed, they will crash your bird feeder party every time. Not only do they try to drive out other birds, but also will take on dogs, cats, and, occasionally, dive-bomb a human to let him know who is boss of the feeder. It can be very, very difficult to get rid of a mockingbird once he has made himself comfortable. Your bird feeder plans may be thrown off track by these bully birds.

If you can’t beat them, join them – or at least let them stay in your yard. Mockingbirds aren’t all bad, of course; they …

The Bully of the Bird Feeders or When Mockingbirds Ruin Your Bird Feeder Plans Read More